Projects exported to CD has skewed timing – CD spin sounds strange
When burning a direct .exe file to the CD Rom every file will have to be “extracted” from the file (what really happens is the entire file is read from the .exe and put into the computer’s memory). This presents some problems if 1) several pictures should be displayed at the same time or 2) timelines are used to time loading of pictures, videos or sounds, which will be delayed when running from CD, or 3) large files are used, in which case the CD would begin reading files from two or more locations on the physical media at the same time – and this will certainly result in poor performance. This cannot be avoided.
In other words, the project MUST be run from the harddrive if it contains such files or timing. To do this, you should export as an installation CD and alert the user that it takes a lot of space to install. Also, you should check for CPU usage on slower computers (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC and go to “performance”) to see if his project is too heavy for the computer.
Having a constant load of 100% will certainly skew any timing used, as will using multiple large files and timing on slow harddrives such as laptop harddrives.